Get Started Using the Apps

Your Library App

Lake Forest Library App


What you can do with it

Store a digital version of your library card, scan a book's ISBN barcode to find out if it's available through the Library, search the catalog and request items for pick-up, register for upcoming events, access your library account and reading history, and more.


eBook & Reading Apps

image of "Cloud Library logo"

eBooks · eAudiobooks


What you can do with it

Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks, especially new and recently published titles.

User Guide

Get started with the cloudLibrary app


16 checkouts at a time

Loan Period

3 weeks

How to access

App available, search for "cloudlibrary" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets, Kindle Fire, Nook ... just install the app
Works in computer browser
No, does not work on Kindle eInk reader
Libby, Digital Library of Illinois, OverDrive logos

eBooks · eAudiobooks · eMagazines · eComics · Videos

GO TO LIBBY / Digital Library of IL.

What you can do with it

Borrow from a vast collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, and eMagazines.

User Guides

Get started with the Libby app

How to Download eBooks to a Kindle


  • 10 eBook/eAudiobook checkouts at a time
  • No limit on eMagazines

Loan Period

7, 14, or 21 days (you choose in Settings or when checking out an item)

How to access

App available, search for "libby" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets, Kindle Fire, Nook ... just install the app
Works on Kindle eInk readers ... just choose Kindle format when checking out an item
Read or listen to titles on a computer with an internet browser by visiting the Digital Library of Illinois
Beanstack Reading App logo


What you can do with it

Log your reading, complete activities, and win prizes while participating in Library programs including Summer Reading, 1000 Books Before Kindergarten, and more!

How to access

App available, search for "beanstack" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser

User Guide

Watch a tutorial

PressReader logo


What you can do with it

Enjoy free full text, full color online access to popular newspapers and magazines from around the world! Create an account for additional features including saved searches and favorite publications.

How to access

App available, search for "pressreader" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser

Movie & Music Apps

Hoopla and Hoolpa Kids logos

Movies & TV · eBooks · eAudiobooks · eComics · Music


What you can do with it

Borrow and stream movies, music, eBooks, eAudiobooks, comics, and TV shows.

Some special collections

  • Enable Kids Mode to display only kid-appropriate content
  • Hallmark movies
  • Acorn TV
  • The Great Courses eAudiobooks

User Guide

Get started with the Hoopla app


  • 10 Instant Borrows per month
  • Borrow more from special collections using a BingePass and Bonus Borrows.

Loan Period

3 weeks for eBooks, eAudiobooks, and Comics
3 days for Movies and TV shows
1 week for Music

How to access

App available, search for "hoopla" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser
Works with Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, and Roku
No, does not work on Kindle eInk reader
Kanopy and Kanopy Kids logos

Movies & Documentaries


What you can do with it

Watch a wide range of on-demand streaming videos.

Some special collections

  • Enable Kids Mode to display only kid-appropriate
  • The Criterion Collection
  • Documentaries
  • Foreign films
  • Classic cinema
  • The Great Courses videos

User Guide

Get started with the Kanopy app


30 tickets per month

  • Refer to the number of tickets and access period for each film next to the play button.
  • Depending on the title, films can use 1–4 tickets.
  • You can watch unlimited Kanopy Kids titles because they don't require any tickets.

How to access

App available, search for "kanopy" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser
Works with Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, and Roku
Freegal Music logo



What you can do with it

Stream and download from the Sony Music catalog of more than 18 million songs from 100 countries and 200 genres. Keep your downloads forever, use AI-powered search recommendations, build your own playlists, and enjoy ad-free listening.

User Guide

Get started with the Freegal app


Unlimited streaming

3 downloads per week

How to access

App available, search for "freegal" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser
Estante Infinito

La primera vez que acceda a Estante Infinito, cree una nueva cuenta antes de ingresar su número de tarjeta de la biblioteca.
The first time you access Estante Infinito, please create a new account before you enter your library card number.

VAS A ESTANTE INFINITO. / Go to Estante Infinito.

Qué se puede hacer con él / What you can do with it

Disfruta visualización ilimitada de una amplia gama de cultura y entretenimiento en español: cine, series, teatro, ópera, series infantiles, videojuegos ... ¡y más!
Enjoy unlimited viewing of a diverse array of culture and entertainment in Spanish including cinema, series, theater, opera, children's series, video games, and more!

VAS A ESTANTE INFINITO KIDS. / Go to Estante Infinito Kids.

Qué se puede hacer con él / What you can do with it

Disfruta visualización ilimitada de las mejores series infantiles, podcasts, audiolibros, y videojuegos, de alto contenido educativo.
Enjoy unlimited viewing of the best children's series, podcasts, audiobooks, and video games, all with high educational content.

VAS A ARTES ESCÉNICAS. / Go to Performing Arts.

Qué se puede hacer con él / What you can do with it

Usted obtiene 10 boletos por semana. Cada entrada se otorga 48 horas para ver su vídeo elegido. Estante Infinito's Artes Escénicas trae a su televisión y smartphone los mejores escenarios de Latinoamérica y España, incluyendo óperas, musicales, y mucho más.
You get 10 tickets per week. Each ticket grants you 48 hours to a video of your choice. Estante Infinito's Performing Arts brings the best stages in Latin America and Spain to your TV and smartphone, including operas, musicals, and more.

Online Learning Apps

Creativebug logo


What you can do with it

Choose from more than 1,000 award-winning art and craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.

User Guide

Get started with the Creativebug app

How to access

App available, search for "creativebug" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser
Linked in Learning logo


What you can do with it

Be a lifelong learner with free tutorials from the industry leader in technology training. Enhance and expand your business, technology, and creative skills. (Formerly

User Guide

Get started with the LinkedIn Learning app

How to access

App available, search for "linkedin learning" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser
Mango Languages logo


What you can do with it

Learn a wide variety of languages more effectively through real-life situations and actual conversation.

User Guide

Get started with Mango

How to access

App available, search for "mango languages" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets ... just install the app
Works in computer browser