100 Books Before Graduation

Read with Lake Forest Library


100 Books Before Graduation

Jump to: How to Participate

Year-Round Reading Program for Rising Freshmen through Grade 12

You've Got a Ticket to Read!

Designed for ambitious readers in high school, 100 Books Before Graduation is an exclusive teen reading program meant to promote a love of books.

All books, audiobooks, and comics count, whether you are reading for fun or reading for school assignments. Just keep track of your books and come claim your prizes!

Along the way, you are also encouraged to write Book Review Postcards to earn raffle tickets toward a yearly grand prize drawing. (Please note: You can only win once through your travel journey.)


How to Participate

Jump to: About the Program

On App or on Paper

We're happy to offer two ways to participate in 100 Books Before Graduation:

  1. Online and with an app using Beanstack
  2. Old school with a paper Passport log sheet

Both formats have the same mile-markers and prizes, so you can pick your preferred way to log books and track your progress. You can even use both!

100 Books Before Grad FAQs

The program is open to students the summer before their freshmen year.

Yes, you can double-dip! If you read a book for Summer Reading, for example, you can also log that book as part of 100 Books Before Graduation.

Yes, re-reading a book counts!


Step 1: Register on Beanstack & Pick Up Materials

Get Started on Beanstack

All 100 Books Before Grad participants need to create an account on Beanstack.

After joining the 100 Books Before Grad program in Beanstack, you do not need to use Beanstack further if you prefer to only your Passport log.

Create an account and/or join 100 Books Before Grad on Beanstack

Pick Up Your Passport & Tote

Your 100 Books Before Grad tote bag contains a Passport log and your first Book Review Postcard.

Submit your completed Book Review Postcards at the Youth Services Desk. Every postcard you submit earns you an additional raffle ticket to the annual prize drawing.

You can ask for more Book Review Postcards at the Youth Services Desk at any time.


Step 2: Read and log books

Log Books in Your Passport

When you've finished a book, enter its title and author in your 100 Books Before Grad Passport. Add a star rating for fun!

You can also review the book on postcards (available at the Youth Services Desk) and earn bonus raffle tickets toward the annual prize drawing.

And/Or Log Books in Beanstack

  1. Sign in on the Library's Beanstack page or open the Beanstack app.
  2. If using the Beanstack app, tap the big plus sign ➕. If using Beanstack in your browser, select the "Log Reading and Activities" button at the top of the page.
  3. Follow the instructions to log your books.
  4. When you reach a Mile-Marker, you will get a message in Beanstack letting you know to visit the Youth Services Desk to pick up your prize.

Reading Mile-Markers

Mile-Markers and prizes are the same whether you log on paper in your Passport or with Beanstack.

  1. After every 10 books logged, visit the Youth Service Desk to have your Passport stamped and to pick up your mile-marker prize. If you are logging on Beanstack, you also get a digital badge after every 10 books logged.
  2. After every 25 books logged, visit the Youth Service Desk to select a book prize. Don't forget, you can ask any time for Book Review Postcards to earn extra raffle tickets toward the annual prize drawing.
  3. After 100 books logged, you've completed the program! Visit the Youth Service Desk for your completion prize.