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Theater's Approach to Decision Making

By Patrick Villanueva, Media Lab Assistant The GOTE Technique is a practice from Theater and is a strong complement to Design Thinking. When used practically, it can help with a more focused process.  How Theater is Practical  While taking some business classes many years ago, it ...

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Making a Creative Collage in Pixlr

July 27, 2020 By Kristin Ashley
Media Lab Assistant  As a creative person, I’ve been enjoying using the Pixlr app for a few years now. I use it for editing and customizing my images, but my favorite thing to do with this app is to get creativ...

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Applied Design Thinking

By Patrick Villanueva, Media Lab Assistant  From experience, you could say I know a thing or two about the whole creative process. That is another way to describe design thinking.   Design thinking is more than something art-related, and that's important to understand. It's a un...

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Taking Great Photos with Your iPhone

By Kristin Ashley With the warm weather finally here, I’m taking more photos outside–and I’ll bet you are, too. With the improvement in cameras in the newer smartphones, you no longer need a cumbersome DSLR to get great iPhone photos. In fact, you don’t even need a computer to share, store and ed...

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GIMP: The Free Photoshop Alternative

By Patrick Villanueva, Media Lab Assistant  Adobe Photoshop is known as the best program to edit images, and it's something we were taught to master in art school for creative industry practice. There are plenty of powerful features right out of the box, and it's more than just adding f...

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Using Google Photos

By Kristin Ashley 
Media Lab Assistant  As an artist and photographer, I’m always seeking out new ways to store, organize, share and edit my photos and videos. I’ve found that Google Photos is one of the best photo apps out there – and it’s free with stor...

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Getting Things Done with The Pomodoro Technique

By Patrick Villanueva, Media Lab Assistant  During these times, I know it can be a challenge to balance remote work and home life. You have a Zoom meeting in the morning, another in the afternoon. You need to finish work things by a certain time. You also need to fig...

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Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Hi, this is Kristin from the Media Lab. I hope you are all doing well. We miss seeing you in the lab and helping you with your creative projects. Until we meet again, Patrick and I will be posting some tech tips and tricks for you to make the most out of your time in quarantine, whether you are work...

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