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Shop the Friends Fall Book Sale September 16–19

We are excited to once again hold our annual Fall Book Sale at the Lake Forest Recreation Center. We missed interacting with our volunteers, shoppers, and the Lake Forest community during this past year and cannot wait to see everyone again. 45th Annual Fall Book Sale Thursday, September 16 Read More

Sign up to volunteer at the Friends Fall Book Sale

Dear Book Sale Volunteers and Friends of Lake Forest Library Members: SAVE THE DATE
2021 Friends of Lake Forest Library Book Sale
September 16–19 If you have volunteered at previous sales, Thank You! If this is your first sale, Welcome! You make the sale a success. We hope you vo...

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2020 Annual Book Sale Canceled

We miss all our volunteers and supporters and hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe. On Saturday, June 20, 2020, the Board of the Friends of Lake Forest Library decided to cancel the Annual Book Sale in September due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are sad to miss this annual tradition and ho...

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(Application period closed) 2020 Friends Scholarship

The Friends want to lessen any stress in the application submission process due to closures arising out of the COVID-19 virus. If you have not already arranged to submit through Jennifer Gleason's College Resource office at LFHS, you can make arrangements to submit your application by contacting Tis...

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