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Movies that Respect their Books

Bring your Own Popcorn! It’s easy to watch movies for free through Lake Forest Library.  The Library uses the Apps Hoopla and Kanopy to deliver movies and television series to you; watch on your phone, your iPad or other devices. To access these free streaming apps with your library car...

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Searching For Sylvie Lee and Chinese Cuisine

Instagram Live Recap from Tuesday, April 28
Get the eBoook "Searching for Sylvie Lee" by Jean Kwok Residents of Lake Forest know by now that Searching for Sylvie Lee by Jean Kwok is Lake Forest’s 2020 One Book One Community selection. Lake Forest Reads: Ragdale has planned many pro...

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Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Hi, this is Kristin from the Media Lab. I hope you are all doing well. We miss seeing you in the lab and helping you with your creative projects. Until we meet again, Patrick and I will be posting some tech tips and tricks for you to make the most out of your time in quarantine, whether you are work...

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Recommended Movies on Hoopla and Kanopy

Thanks to everyone who watched my Instagram Live on some of my favorite movies I've watched on Hoopla and Kanopy recently. If you didn't get a chance to see the video, I've got the movie recommendations here for you! To access these free streaming apps with your library card visit https://www.l...

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Travel with Mystery

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to hop in the car or on a plane and take a trip, hit the beach for spring break or visit family?  Any kind of travel really. But for now I am happy doing my traveling from the comfort and safety of my couch. I can imagine myself like the Torrance Family in The Shining; ...

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We're in the Movies: The Lake Forest Connection

Lake Forest is known for many things glamorous. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s love and muse Ginevra King, the popularity of Polo in the U S in the 1930’s, visiting royalty such as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and the King of Sweden. Lake Forest is also famous for its beautiful estates and lovely vistas o...

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Free Virtual Activities

Updated 3/27/2020 Dozens of organizations, institutions, and authors are stepping up to provide wonderful virtual experiences and learning opportunities to keep us all connected and engaged. Be sure to check out the links on this page. We will also be retweeting anything we come across that we...

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Ways to Access the Internet for Free

Lake Forest Library is committed to helping our patrons feel connected to the world around them during this difficult time. We are working to provide a sense of community online wherever possible. This page has information on resources that are currently available. ...

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The Library's Evolving Response to COVID-19

Updated 4/30/2020 From day one of the Stay-at-Home Order from Illinois Governor Pritzker, Lake Forest Library staff have been discussing when and how to offer in-person services and access to physical library materials again. Our top priority is the health and safety of our staff and the resident...

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Everything You Need to Know About the 2020 Decennial Census

Every household across the nation will receive an invitation starting in mid-March 2020 to fill out the US Census. Read on to learn what is required, why it is important, and how you can help efforts to count every single person living within the United States. The US Census is a short form snaps...

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The Best Books of 2019

Your librarians have curated a collection of their favorite books published this year and we thought we should share it with the world! Did you read any of these? Did we miss any amazing titles? Click on the title to place a hold on that book in our catalog. FICTION: The Most Fun We Ever H...

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(Past event) 2019 Volunteer Fest

More than two dozen not-for-profit organizations will be on hand to share with you their mission, the work they do, and their volunteer opportunities for all ages. Bring the whole family to discover ways to use your talents or develop new skills while giving back to the community! ...

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