Favorites for 1-year olds
Moo, Baa, La La La! By Sandra Boynton
Cows, sheep, pigs, and other animals make all kinds of different sounds, some of which are silly.
Serious silliness for all ages.
Please, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony
Mr. Panda has a plate of doughnuts to share, but most of the other animals forget to say "Please."
Trucks by Dawn Sirett
Touch the textured trucks and learn their names and noises.
Favorites for 2-year-olds
Look by Ted Lewin
"An elephant eats, giraffes drink, a warthog digs, and a boy plays, reads, and dreams."-- Provided by publisher.
Smick! by Doreen Cronin
Can friendship bloom between a dog and a chick?
The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli
After swallowing a watermelon seed, a crocodile imagines a scary outcome.
Favorites for 3-year-olds
Dozens of Dachshunds by Stephanie Calmenson
Galore of Dachshunds dressed in clever costumes gather in the park to celebrate Dachshund Day.
Roy Digs Dirt by David Shannon
Roy is a West Highland terrier who loves to dig in the dirt and mud; sometimes he buries things, and sometimes he finds things, but mostly he just likes to dig--even though he does not like the bath that may follow the digging.
Ruffles and the Red, Red Coat by David Melling
Ruffles does not love his new red coat. But when Ruffles wants to play outside with his friend Ruby, he will decide that wearing his red coat is not so bad" -- Page [4] of cover.
Favorites for 4-year-olds
Duncan the Story Dragon by Amanda Driscoll
Duncan the Dragon loves to read--but he keeps accidentally lighting his book on fire. He wants to get to the end of his story, so he tries to find a friend to read to him.
Grasshopper & the Ants by Jerry Pinkney
In this retelling of the classic Aesop fable, hardworking ants stock up for the winter while a fun-loving grasshopper plays all year long until the wintry weather arrives, and he realizes his mistake in not planning.
It’s So Quiet by Sherri Duskey Rinker
A little mouse cannot sleep because it is too quiet--but when he really listens, he finds the night is full of all sorts of sounds, so many, in fact, that it is too noisy to sleep.
Favorites for 5-year-olds
A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead
"Amos McGee, a friendly zookeeper, always made time to visit his good friends: the elephant, the tortoise, the penguin, the rhinoceros, and the owl. But one day he woke with the sniffles and the sneezes. Though he did not make it into the zoo that day, he did receive some unexpected guests."
The Best Place in the World by Petr Horacek
Assured by his animal friends that their meadow is the best place in the world, Hare embarks on a journey to see other places. He visits beautiful green fields, gushing rivers, and starlit deserts before missing his friends back home.
Something’s Wrong by Jory John
Jeff the bear is sure he has forgotten something when he sets out from home, but none of the animals he meets initially inform him that he is only wearing his underwear, until he reaches his friend Anders the hare--who quickly thinks of a way to avoid embarrassing Jeff, by starting a fashion trend.