Get Started with the cloudLibrary App



Review step-by-step instructions

Installing and signing into the app

  1. Search for "cloud library" in your device's app store and download the cloudLibrary app. You can also find links to all available apps at
  2. Open the app and follow the prompts. Select "Lake Forest Library" as your library.
  3. Sign in with your library card number with no spaces between the numbers.
  4. Enter the password used with your library account. If you don't know your password, try the word PATRON in all caps. If you need to reset your password, call the Library at 847.810.4610.

Searching for items

  1. Tap "Search." You can then search 2 ways:
    • Enter a specific title or author in the search bar
    • Tap “Featured,” “Favorites,” or “All” to browse available titles.
  2. Additional search tips:
    • To further filter your searches tap the filter‑shaped icon and refine your search results by “Format”, “Availability,” and “Language.”
    • eAudiobooks have a headphones icon on the image of the cover.
    • If an item is not available through cloudLibrary, you will be redirected to the Library catalog, where the eBook may be available to borrow with the Libby or Hoopla app.

Borrowing and reading or listening to items

  1. Tap the cover of the book you'd like to read or listen to, then tap "Borrow."
  2. To find an item you’ve borrowed, tap “My Books.”
  3. Tap the down arrow on the book cover to download the book, then begin reading.
  4. cloudLibrary items have a loan period of two weeks. Items return themselves once the loan period ends. You can return a book early in the “My Books” section. Tap “Return” to allow the next person waiting for a title to begin reading.
image of "Cloud Library logo"

eBooks · eAudiobooks


What you can do with it

Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks, especially new and recently published titles.

User Guide

Get started with the cloudLibrary app


16 checkouts at a time

Loan Period

3 weeks

How to access

App available, search for "cloudlibrary" in your app store
Works on iOS, Android, smartphones, tablets, Kindle Fire, Nook ... just install the app
Works in computer browser
No, does not work on Kindle eInk reader