Lake Bluff Afternoon Book Club discussion of "An Indian Among Los Indígenas"

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Program Type:

Community, Discussion, Literacy

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Program Description


Join us in person for a discussion of this year's Read Between the Ravines featured book, "An Indian Among Los Indígenas: A Native Travel Memoir" by Ursula Pike.

Register with Lake Bluff Public Library

Know Before You Go

Registration is handled by services other than Lake Forest Library. Please follow the instructions and/or use the link to complete your registration.

This event is in-person.

The Deerpath Streetscape Project is underway. Please plan accordingly as it may affect your driving and parking when visiting the Library. For details, visit the City of Lake Forest website.

You are welcome to attend even if you haven't finished the book.

This event occurs at a location other than Lake Forest Library. Please note the address.