Special Collections
Jump to: Takeout Tech Accessibility Collections Exploration Kits Launchpads
Did you know you can borrow more than books, movies, and music from your Library? On this page, browse special collections of technology and kits. Pursue your interests and develop your skills!

For Teens and Adults
Lake Forest residents only, ages 16+
2-week loan period, late fee of $2 per day
Browse the display in the Rotunda or the online catalog to borrow technology and equipment including DSLR cameras, GoPros, Roku Streaming Sticks, digital conversion tools, and more.

For all ages
Lake Forest residents only
The goal of the Accessibility Collections is to support Library users of all ages, abilities, and diverse learning and development needs to be successful in the Library and the community.
The collections are designed to support a variety of skills including:
- Mobility and motor skills
- Emotions and expression
- Signing and communication
- Vision and perception
- Hearing and filtering
- Learning and focus

For Kids
Borrow blue backpacks full of STEAM literacy, science, tech, and math activities.

For Kids
Borrow Playaway Launchpads preloaded with apps, videos, and games for hours of interactive learning and play.