Join Art Miller on a tour of the library's art collection including the Children's Library, the Rotunda, the Friends Reading Room, the Reference Annex, and the Business Collection.
Considered one of the city's civic jewels, the library and its art collection reflect the historic character of Lake Forest during the nationally significant country place era. Discover the stories behind Remisoff's murals, the Audobon prints, landscape and architectural prints, and sculptures.
Art Miller is a historian, professor, archivist and librarian, who worked at Lake Forest College for 41 years. Miller started at Lake Forest College in 1972 and spent most of his time at the College as an archivist in the Donelly & Lee Library and on the Special Collections Reading Room. Miller retired in 2013. Miller's book, titled "Thirty Miles North: A History of Lake Forest College, Its town, and Its City of Chicago," was published in 2000.
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